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At the sound of a voice close to her Melanie whirled around to face the man who had just approached her. Well, at least there were people who would tell her immediately how to actually get to the Quidditch World Cup. Even though she didn't even want to go there. Whatever. "Good day. Why, certainly." She replied with a smile, before she shifted Misty slightly in her arm to be able to reach into her bag for her ID. "There you go. I'm Melanie, by the way. Melanie Charington. Madam Malkin's Shopkeeper Assistant." Okay, it was sort of useless to be introducing herself when holding out her ID-card at the same moment, but manners were manners.
Snuggling the little doggie closer to her the 25 year old literally beamed at the man when he complemented the Chihuahua. "Yes, isn't he just goooorgeous?" Then obviously muttering into the dog's direction she added, "Yes, you are a cutie. Aren't you? Yesss, you are." Squeaaal!