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The1HBIC Marie noticed Kay going up to the owlery so she decided to follow her. Maybe she would finally find out who the mystey person is that Kay was always sending letters to. Staying far enough behind so Kay wouldn't see her, yet close enough that she would be able to hear her, Marie followed Kay.
She watched as Kay gave her owl some treats then she took out some letters. 'Oooh, this is it, now just say who they are for' Marie thought as she stood quietly listening. 'Won't want the first but the second is Harry? Who the heck is Harry?' Marie stepped out for Kay to see her. "Hey Kay, I thought that was you I seen come up here. Who is Harry?"
Kay turned when she heard Marie's voice. She hadn't realized some one sould heard her. "
Oh, ah well It's my cousin. He is always nice to Bandit." Kay said petting her owl.
"Bandit loves... ah..Harry." she said a little unsure if she should talk about her cousin. Putting the letters on Bandits leg, Kay gave him another treat.
"see you soon." Kay let her owl go. Turning back to Marie, She smiled and was glad to see her before the train ride home.