Originally Posted by
Crystal Ball Quite suddenly and inexplicably, there was another person on top of Phoebus. He made an ooofing noise and went face first in the water. First reaction?
Throw off the murderous psycho who was trying to drown him. NOW.
Upon further investigation though, he realized they were...friendly. And female. HUH. He came back up,turning to see who it was. " Celandine!" He said, spitting out some water. " You're...dressed appropriately. Swim party and all," He gestured, but sort of vaguely. He was glad to see her though, obviously as he gave her one of his half-grins. His usually sproingy hair was all flat from the water, so he couldn't do that patented nervous hair pat. But he tried, which just sent water down his face.
Celandine laughed and splashed a bit of water at him. "I know right! It has seahorses!" She pointed them out then did a little spin in the water and went under enough to get a mouthful of water, which she fountained at Plymouth much the way he had at Issy moments before.
She eyed Phoebus again and shook her head. "You should Impervius your hair before you swim." She told him fondly and then Varius Tippsed him herself.
Pat pat.