Crystal Splinters - Sa13+
What a VERY beautiful name!
I love it, love it, LOVE it.
Originally Posted by
My loveelllyyy Annnna
Dedicated to my Maxie, for without who I wouldn't have so much inspiration for writing.

I love you.
I ... I ...
I have no words!
Thank you SO much, this totally made my day. IloveyouMORE. LOADS more. -hugs you- Me is so glad you eesh writing again. <3 Quote:
“James, honey, remember to write.” Mrs. Potter said with a motherly smile to her son. “And try to stay out of trouble.”
You begin this story with one of my FAVOURITE charries ever.
-clings to you and James- Quote:
“Of course he’ll stay out of trouble, Mrs. Potter.” I said, walking besides James with a mischievous, and completely unconvincing grin.
“Hello, Sirius,” Mrs. Potter said with a warm smile.
MY GOSH! It is written in first person = SIRIUS. MYGOSH!
Could this get any better?
“James! Sirius!” Peter Petigrew got through the crowd of students and reached us.
*smacks him*
“Perhaps he was made a prefect?” Peter suggested nervously.
They don't knowwww? Why he no tell them? *eyes Moonyboy* Quote:
“Oh, this is excellent.” James said, just as the compartment door slid open.
I smell ... something. *pokes you to update*
More of this AWESOME stoweee.