Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!
Melanie eyed the other kids as she walked out of the tunnel. For some reason, many of then had decided to pick up some sort of bug, or spider from the tunnel...
And Jake had that tarantula of his. Hm. She liked the little kitten better.
Keeping a good distance from allllllll the creepy crawly critters in the room, she waited for Bunbury to give instructions. Then on her direction she marched up the stairs, quite calmly. The girl had ran into a handful of things in her Hogwarts career that were more treacherous than a creaky, old flight of stairs, thank you very much.
It would be a lie to say she was excited to see what she saw at the top of the stairs though. Melanie wasn't fond of the Devil's Snare. Even if they were one of those things that your parents were always saying "If you let it be, it'll let you be" about.
Except for her, growing up that had been bumble bees, not plants that felt the need to strangle things...Big difference. Really, really, big difference.
So, she really wasn't so fond of the plant. However, the girl still wasn't pleased when she heard they were going to be harming the plant. In fact, that didn't please her at all. She didn't like killing flies.
Melanie couldn't really do much about it though. So, a grouchy look on her face, the third year watched as the older students volunteered to help fireproof the shack and....stuff.
Pout. |