Thread: Harry Potter: The Lost Child - Sa16+
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Old 12-07-2009, 10:36 PM   #10 (permalink)
Adelaide_Rane_Parker's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 187

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander Renald Parker
Sixth Year

sorry it took so long to finish this part of the chapter. I was trying to go somewhere with this one and I was finding it hard to get there. So I decided that maybe this is not the right place for what I wanted to add...oh well Its not as strong as I wanted it to be but I have to move on from this chapter or I will get stuck here

Chapter 3- Beware the Snakes -part 2

Lord Voldemort stood gazing at the fireplace watching the fire dance on the charred masonry in the same room he held his first meeting. Only this time the seating had been returned to its natural flow now radiating in a semi-circle around the hearth where a large boa constrictor had curled at his feet. Lucius walked in arms outstretched in welcome he exclaimed “ Welcome, My Lord “ bowing low. Bellatrix silently walked in with wild passion in her cold eyes she sat down in one of the leather couches across from a large mahogany tea table opposite of where lord Voldemort stood. Draco walked in ushering his mother by the arm. He ensured she was comfortably seated next to her sister before bowing and taking a standing position behind the couch his mother sat in.

“Cassandra, My daughter “ Hissed Voldemort in parseltongue while motioning that she come to him.

Cassie walked slowly to her father stopping and gazing up at his large red eyes. He motioned for her to sit on the couch across from the one Narcissa sat at.

“ I have a gift for you” He said in English while holding out his wand. “Serpensortia” a young albino boa constrictor fell to the floor before slithering up to Cassie’s lap. “she will be for you a guardian against any unwelcome advances” he hissed in parseltongue.

The boa twisted itself into a ball on Cassie’s lap then expanded to its full length of around four feet while it snaked itself around the back of Cassie’s shoulders finally resting half on the back of the couch and its head on her right shoulder.

“It will do your bidding. We are the descendants of Salazar Slytherin the masters of snakes” Hissed Voldemort in parseltongue. “speak to her daughter.”

Cassie had never tried to deliberately speak parseltongue when she spoke to her father she assumed she did so because something triggered her mind to remember the sounds. Kind of like when she first arrived in London she had over the course of her stay picked up the odd Briticisms here and there. She looked at the snake and thought that it was getting heavy on her shoulders. “Please move you are dragging my shoulder down.” she hissed in parseltongue and the snake moved off of her shoulder and twisted onto the back and side of the couch.

Her father nodded approval and turned his attention to the others in the room. “I have many things to accomplish and little time to do them in, complete compliance with my orders is expected.” he paused for a moment so that the statement could sink into their minds. “Draco, you have already been given assignments what is your progress on your latest endeavor?”

“All is going according to plan, My Lord, I expect that the task can be completed tomorrow if you wish it of me.” Draco smoothly spoke.

Lord Voldemort tapped his slender fingertips together as he thought and turned to Bellatrix “ And you Bellatrix?”

“ They have been found and eliminated My Lord.” she coldly replied with a gleam in her eye.

“Good on both accounts. As for you Draco proceed as planed it is a vital component to our takeover.” he said without looking at Draco as though he were deep in thought. “Narcissa, I would like you to educate my Daughter in wizardry. It is my belief that a child born to a wizard should have a magical education even if she be a squib”

“Is there anything you request of me My Lord?” Lucius almost joyfully exclaimed.

“What use could I have of a wizard who cannot even keep his family in line. Your wife and son both betrayed me. It is only my mercy and need of what your son Draco possesses and need to remain in the shadows that allows you and your family live. If you wish to be of help you should insure that your son does as he is commanded. You have no other function to me but that.” Spat Voldemort venomously.

Lucius sank his head slightly as he remembered how his wife had allowed the near dead Harry Potter to live. And how his son refused to identify Harry while he was within their grasp. “Of course My Lord as you command of me. I am your most humble servant and I live to do your bidding. “

With a slight snicker lord Voldemort shot back “ You cannot even leave your house Lucius so even fetching me mice to feed my snake would be out of your league of skills.” this exchange seemed to brighten Voldemort somewhat as he was close to laughter.

“What of the boy , Harry Potter…” began Bellatrix.

“Never in my presence say that name again unless it begins with I have killed. That blood trader had his opportunity to die quickly now I will ensure that his entire family dies slowly while he watches. Before he finally begs for death.” all glee had now left Voldemort’s face as he burned heatedly.

There was a few moments of silence in which on one wanted to speak. Lord Voldemort was now so agitated that his snake even began to hiss as it snaked its way up the chair Voldemort stood in front of and curled around his shoulders. Voldemort began to absentmindedly pet the snake between its milky eyes.

It was Draco who finally broke the silence “My Lord, do you wish me to also make contact with the man we spoke of. It is my feeling that he would be most easily influenced toward our intentions. Though I could also say the same of Lambrick ”

“Lambrick seems a better fit” Voldemort added “ Wait to make any contact until you have established yourself first else your deceit well be transparent. I await more information from you before I allow further progress in this matter. Turn your attention entirely to ensuring you are rooted into their matters. I will continue utilize you for other needs and as they arise you will be contacted.” Lord Voldemort stood in quiet contemplation for a moment.

This time it was Lucius that broke the silence “My Lord, may I speak with you in private before you leave. About the matter we discussed briefly two nights ago?”

“I have already spoken to your son about that honor. When I am ready to make my decision I will not include you.” Spat Lord Voldemort.

Turning to Draco he added “I will send word to you if you should proceed further. Delaying would be unwise. If you have not heard from me in two days go ahead and complete the task. Lambrick will be more than sufficient for our purpose.” turning to Cassie he spoke in parse tongue “If you have need for anything Narcissa will ensure that your every desire is met.” with that he apperated on the spot.

Ps I have a Banner Now !!! Thank you Alyweasley!
pps dont forget to tell me what you think!
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