cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy
"I do love it. It's been my escape and my safe zone for a long time now. But it's no longer a challenge. Ideally I want to go to college and study law. I've always been interested in Politics and International Laws both in this world and the Muggle one. Everyone just assumes that all I want to do is act and model, being the pretty boy that is content to sit and help by simply donating money. I want to be involved in the world I guess and the decisions being made. I want to make more of an impact then just being a face on a screen." he shrugged his voice full of feeling, none of which was bitter. "That being said acting will always be my passion. I loved it more than anything else for a long time and its had a massive impact on who I am today. So if I am still acting until I die I think I'll be content with it." Reid ran a hand through his hair, messing it up slightly while thinking of what he was next going to say.
"Acting isn't stable either. I want to be able to provide stability and eventually I want a family you know? I want to be a parent at some point in the future and when that happens, if it happens I want to be able to tell those children that they are safe with absolute certainty that I have a steady income and that they can have all the attention I can possibly give them. I don't mean to spoil them but just for them to know that they have a daddy who loves them no matter who they are and what their dreams may be." his voice was somewhat wistful, showing that he was talking of something he had dreamed of for awhile, but his eyes showed that while he wanted those things they were a far way off.
"I know. It isn't your fault. My mother would probably like you really. She never was too fond of Sienna. She wont go against my father though. As long as he refuses to accept that he can't control my emotions and that I absolutely adore you she wont either. But it doesn't really matter right now. All that matters to me is that you're safe, comfortable and that you know that no matter what they do they can't change my feelings for you." he spoke softly, hoping to convey the gentleness and the strength of his feelings to her. He really would miss Rachel.
"Yes dear," Reid replied in false falsetto, gathering her closer, just enjoying the feel of her in his arms. It was this that he would miss the most. The feel of her when they were talking about things that seemed so important but in the scheme of things probably weren't all that important at all.
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