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Old 12-05-2009, 12:50 AM   #14 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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My thinking on this is that, no matter what you're RPing, to a certain degree, whatever you write can be considered realistic, determining on how you RP it. As far as I'm concerned, people have the creative liberty to do what they want... It is a Hogwarts RP after all, and just because something doesn't happen in the books doesn't mean that it CAN'T happen in the RP. Maybe I'm just being argumentative...but considering the RP right now is like WAYYYY in the future, after Harry was at school, pretty much anything could have happened. There could be more easier to use and more efficient spells, or even an out-break of werewolves around the castle.

There are some things that cross the line though. For instance, I don't think it's very realistic at all to have a perfect character, unless you have some fantastic back story about how she used to be a barbie doll, and got turned human . If your character is a living thing then they're going to have a personality, and if they have a personality, then they probably will have odd quirks or some sort of problem, or whatever.

I like what futuremrsmalfoy said, on thinking of what you would do in your character's position, and mayyyybe elaborating a little. That's how I play Melanie. Her personality is a lot like mine. Only, she's a bit more out going (in RL I'm a little shy) and more blatant about her thoughts and opinions a lot of the time.

And....while I'm rambling on... *points at her user profile* My character has a last name in common with a cannon character. I think that if you REALLY just have to have your character be related to that character, go for it. It is cannon for book characters to have relatives at Hogwarts. The other thing is, that if you do do this, you should probably work out some sort of family tree with the others who choose to give their characters the same last name so there's not so much confusion there. Haha, but I doooon't have tooo. Melanie's a muggleborn. Lockhart can be a muggle name. *had to add that*I've seen some awesome RPers who have character with the same last name as a canon characters... It isn't completely realistic to have a TON of them out there, but I think that no matter what anyone does about it there's probably always going to be distant relatives of the canon characters roaming the halls of the RPG...
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