Thread: Harry Potter: The Lost Child - Sa16+
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Old 12-04-2009, 01:33 AM   #5 (permalink)
Adelaide_Rane_Parker's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 187

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander Renald Parker
Sixth Year

Ok well I guess no one is really interested but Im still writing. Feel free to Give any criticism if you hate it....or if you love it.....or if you just wanna say hi.....or whatever

ps more Draco in this chapter...

Chapter 3- Beware of the Snakes- Part 1

Cassie woke up just before the sun rose on her seventh day in Malfoy Manor. She had begun to understand the general flow of things in the manor. Her father came by only once and only to speak with Draco then promptly left barely noticing Cassie’s presence which was fine by her. Narcissa and Lucius ate breakfast at seven am sharp everyday, Cassie had learned that one on day four when she was awakened at six-thirty to dress for breakfast.

The youngest Malfoy, Draco was also rarely home and when he did come by he and his father spent hours talking while she and Narcissa were left to themselves. She would spend most of her day with Narcissa starting just after breakfast. Other times she would just sit in the library and read books though she did not fully understand them as they were mostly wizarding books. She even tried to find books about her father however she could not and did not dare ask why.

Today was starting out to be a good one. She had gotten up before Fefe the house elf appeared to wake her. This allowed her time to have a quiet moment of reflection. She let her mind wander to the exact pattern on the fireplace, the ornate carvings reminded her of art nouveau with distinct harsh lines that contradicted the flowing curvature of the scroll work. Cassie’s favorite place to sit and think had become the velvet armchair in front of the fireplace.

Cassie turned to face the door when she heard a light low tapping at the door followed by Fefe the house elf.

“Mornin’ Miss Riddle, yous up early” Exclaimed Fefe as she manifested three dresses “What ya wonna wear today “ She said while holding up each selection.

Cassie pondered this while she looked at the elf. “ The dark green one is fine” she had been wearing Narcissia’s old cloths for the duration of her stay which were all a little old fashioned but somehow very fitting.

With one snap of her fingers Fefe had made the bed. She laid out the dress on straightened bed and proceeded to find appropriate jewels to match. Another snap and a complete ensemble had been organized neatly on the bed. ”Well Miss that should do it for ya, ten minuets to breakfast.”

After dressing Cassie stood in front of the mirror and looked at her self. She was wearing a dark green almost black colored dress that had a Grace Kelly feel to it. The main skirt was four layers of dark green chiffon with the original petticoat that added fluff taken out. The top was a wrap design with no sleeves but had a one inch strap on the shoulders. Around her neck was a stunning strand of uncut raw emeralds with a center drop. Small cut emeralds hung from her ears. Her hair was twisted in a complicated multi-braid down her back.

Feeling satisfied but a little over dressed she turned and headed towards the door to the conservatory where the Malfoys always had breakfast. As she walked she thought of how everyone in the Manor except the house elves always dressed as they were going to a dinner party. Cassie wondered what they would find appropriate to wear to an actual dinner party.

Narcissa and Lucius were already in the conservatory that faced the east side of the manor over looking the garden pond. Albino peacocks paced around the pond plumage trailing around them. The inside of the conservatory was filled with enough plant life to give the impression that you had stepped into a gated garden, however the flowers and plants in the pots looked vastly different from any muggle plants, most strange of all being the Venomous Tentacula which because of its wandering tentacles had to live in its own terrarium in a corner of the octagonal room.

When Cassie entered the room Lucius stood from the small rectangle white marble and cast iron table and motioned for her to take an empty seat next to his wife. He returned to his chair to the right of Narcissa at the head of the table.

“Cassandra, I trust you slept well last night” Narcissa said with her smooth melodic voice.

“Very well, madam” replied Cassie genuinely as she watched the pictures move on the paper Lucius was reading.

“Narcissa, Now the mudblood Minister has decreed that any wizard born to two half blooded parents will now be classified as pureblood. His logic is the two halves make one whole. How dare he slander our seven generations of true pureblooded marriages with his ill guided attempt to degrade the once highly respected title of Pureblood.” Lucius’s rage grew as he spoke. “This problem will be eliminated soon and we will restore our rightful place in this country” He paused and faced the door “Draco, welcome home son”

“Good morning Mother” He said as he bent low and kissed his mother on the cheek. Turning his attention to Cassie he said “ Good morning Cassandra“ then took a place at the table to the right of his father across from his mother.

Following behind him was the wild Bellatrix who always wore an expression of wicked delight. “Morning Cissy, Miss Riddle” looking at Lucius with venom in her eyes she added last “ And of course Lucius. The Dark Lord will be joining us after breakfast he is in Prague.”

Bellatrix and Lucius were having a heated discussion all during breakfast while everyone else ate quietly only offering input when asked. Draco’s prior excitement seemed to dissipate after they were told about the Dark Lord’s emanate return to the manor. It had changed so dramatically that it prompted Narcissa to try to perk him up.

“ Draco” she said quietly “Will the Falmouth Falcons be at the word cup this year?” After Draco’s release from Azkaban he tried out for the Falmouth Falcons and was accepted as their seeker, a position he has held for almost four years now.

“It is a possibility” he said not looking up from his plate staring at a piece of sausage.

Having felt defeated in her attempt to comfort her son Narcissi let the matter go. Lucius and Bellatrix returned to their debate and no one else spoke for the duration of the meal.

Fefe apperated into the conservatory when everyone was near finished with their meal. she rushed to Lucius’s side and tugged on his cloak “Sir, Master Voldemort in the sittin room waitin’ for everyone”

Lucius pulled his cloak from the elf and struck her “How dare you touch me you rat.” he rose from his chair as Fefe quickly backed away “Come, he will expect our expedient response to his summons.” With that he and his company left.
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