Everyone seems to think that because there is a dancing scene, it's a happy moment. However, there are quite a few waltzes, for instance, that are very forlorn. There is also a dancing scene in Evita that is the Waltz between Eva and Che, something that is very passionate and heated, even as it portrays a very powerful scene of the fight between Eva's public figure and Che's representation of public view.
[Che and Eva:]
There is evil, ever around
Fundamental system of government
Quite incidental
So go, if you're able, to somewhere unstable
And stay there
Whip up your hate in some tottering state
But not here, dear
Is that clear, dear?
Oh what I'd give for a hundred years
But the physical interferes
Every day more, O my Creator
What is the good of the strongest heart
In a body that's falling apart?
A serious flaw, I hope You know that
I've danced under the starlight to no music, simple and quiet, just to embrace the stars.
Storm and I have danced in friendship, sometimes to hold onto what little sanity is left to present itself.
I think there is no way to judge a dancing scene until we see it for ourselves.