♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat Where was that darn pen?
Reese remembered throwing that pen inside her back before leaving the common room earlier. It was just lost...inside her back...where all her other junk was. Gah! She KNEW what she was doing this summer - cleaning out her purse. Yep. For all she knew, there was probably 50 galleons at that bottom of that purse that she forgot about, which actually might not be possible, but who knows? After spending several minutes digging through her purse, she finally pulled out a pen and smiled. There it was!
After closing her purse, she turned back to the letter sitting on her lap. Now, how was she going to complete this letter? The girl was about to unfold the letter until she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her. "It's..." Reese was about to say that Ryan was her brother until she noticed who had asked the question. Oh, so TORIN wanted to know who Ryan was? "It's a guy," she answered. "And, he lives in London and he's a very nice guy." She nodded her head as she spoke. Oh, so Reese wanted to be evasive now. Probably because he hadn't told her who his girlfriend was. But he had enjoyed not telling her, so he wasn't regretting doing it now. And he had other ways to try to get it out of her.
He hopped over the back of the bench and landed beside her.. rather ungracefully. He actually almost fell off and landed on the ground. But he managed to save himself more embarrassment.
He pulled himself up in the bench and turned to look at her. "I figured that he was a guy." Well DUH, Reese. Resisting the temptation to just grab the letter and just read it right there, he tried another strategy. "Wanna play 20 Questions?"
He was oh so tempted to look, but he couldn't invade her privacy. He respected her too much for that. |