Originally Posted by
ollie I think I will skip these movies now.
Harry is supposed to be in love with Ginny yet, stupid H/Hr shippers Yates and Kloves have him in a nude scene with Hermione and dancing with Hermione after Ron leaves.
I HATE this!
When Ron leaves they are suppossed to hardly talk to each other, yet here is this dancing scene!
I am mad and will boycott both DH movies!
There is NO reason to believe they are dancing after Ron leaves. That's ridiculous. I have no clue why snitchseeker is assuming this. You are getting over excited for nothing ollie. Think for a sec. The dancing could only be at the wedding, there is no other place for it, and that's just to help set up the "I get it, you choose him" part of the story.
I swear people get there knickers in a twist SO easily! With just a few words! From only one interview!!!!!!