And who know what the secrets will be. Personally, I'm hoping for some Harry/Ginny secret from Harry and some Ron/Hermione secret from Hermione. Maybe Harry will make her dance to cheer her up if the scene is after Ron leaves. (which I'm assuming it is) It would be a good thing for them to do, to release some of their stress and anxiety and heartache. I think it's actually a really good idea.
I think that little secrets like that would be cute as well and I think it's a good idea too. People are making this some big deal because they don't want it to look like they love each other. But I love their friendship and I think this scene will show how much they care for each other as
friends! I am major H/G sjipper but this scene dosn't bother me at all.
As for the nude scenes...the King's cross one I definitely don't have a problem with it since he is actually nude in that part of the book. The horcrux one...eh I don't know yet.
Can't wait for the H/G kiss by the way!!