OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how infuriating this is!!!!! A dancing scene?? Harry and Hermione??? I mean come on people....Harry is in love with Ginny and Hermione is in love with Ron...why destroy the perfectly amazing storyline JKR wrote? HELLO we like it the way she wrote it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh God if the last movies are as inacurate as the rest I swear I'm gonna hunt Yates down for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay....I must calm down now....
About the two nude scenes....well I guess we all really know the point but I guess I'm gonna be the one to say it...after Twilight and New Moon and all the sexy vampire stuff they have to come up with something to compete......
Well, personally I don't mind about that...actually I'm kinda excited about that
Just don't ruin my H/G ship PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I hope the H/G kiss will be better than that hidious peck on the lips we got in HBP!!!!!!!