Thread: Harry Potter: The Lost Child - Sa16+
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:53 PM   #4 (permalink)
Adelaide_Rane_Parker's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 187

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander Renald Parker
Sixth Year

Well at least one person is intrested so i will go ahead and post the last part of chapter 2 hope you like it

ps draco will be in chapter 3 if your looking for him in the mean time enjoy Mr and Mrs Malfoy it does get better as it goes i promise

Chapter 2- Grand Meetings Part 2

Cassie now sat in the small dark walnut paneled drawing room just off of the large sitting room that she was only a day ago introduced to all her father’s faithful Death Eaters. At this moment in her life she had not even once endured anything quite so dramatic. So dramatic that she was still unsure that it really happened. Her Father, known by his followers as Lord Voldemort, was currently as he put it “tying up loose ends” . he had hardly spoken to her at all, so much so that Cassie believed that he really did not want her, but then again she was still sure she would wake up in a hospital having been hit by a car or something.

Cassie let her mind wonder as she stared at the grand garden. She was watching the peacocks dance joyfully around the fountain. Her thoughts were so distant to anything around her that she did not even notice that she was now being watched.

“She has not even talked once since being brought here” Narcissa said full of deep concern and standing just outside of the open archway “ the Dark Lord placed her into our care and now I wonder if he even cares for his…”

“Narcissa don’t speak of Our Lord’s matters.” interrupted Lucius “Our only concern is to care for her not to have any opinions for what the Dark Lord does or does not care for” Lucius paused to turn his gaze at his wife he lowered his voice even more softly than his previous speech. He added “ It is his mercy that has saved our family and our son, Draco. We will do our duty to him most humbly” He was more forceful with the last words. “I now look to Draco since my arrest will prevent me from fully serving my Master to the fullest” His pale blue eyes now looked beyond his wife. After a moment of thought he returned to his wife and concluded his thoughts “ We will need to ensure that Draco humbles himself to the Dark Lord’s requests. It would mean the death of our family if he does not comply.”

Narcissa stared at her husband with disbelief at what Lucius was suggesting however true it might be. “ I will serve my husband and all of his requests of me, My Love” her blond hair falling from behind her ears as she bowed her head to show her submission to her husband’s needs. “ Draco needs to be informed of our plight, husband he must be…”

Once again Lucius cut his wife off mid sentence “He is a grown man he does not need your constant coddling. He will restore great veneration to our tarnished family something he should view as an high honor not a burden. Madam, you should insure that she” pointing at Cassie “understands her place in our home” with a look of distain he spun on his heels and left his wife to her task.

Narcissa composed herself. She loved her family and her husband was the center of her world however she often wondered if nine years of house arrest had hardened his heart. Walking slowly into the room Narcissa let her slender fingers run across the top of the dark green velvet settee. She dropped her hands to her side and walked towards the bay window that Cassie sat gazing from.

“Cassandra” Her voice even and melodic as she sat on the seat next to her “do you understand why you are here?”

Without taking her eyes from the window and without emotion Cassie replied ”My father needed me to come home”

Narcissa looked at Cassie with wide eyes and asked “Do you know where you are?” she hoped that Cassie was not having a mental breakdown as she did have a lot going on in the past three days.

“I’m in your home, Malfoy Manor” Cassie replied dryly turning to look into Narcissa’s blue eyes she asked “When can I go home?”

The Mother in Narcissa was heartbroken knowing that another mother somewhere was at this moment looking for her daughter, however the faithful wife told her to remain calm and not give into her maternal frame of mind. “This is your home now, Cassandra.” She paused to gage her reaction to this news. After feeling it was ok to continue she added “ Your father is a very important wizard in our community and he wishes to ensure that you are kept safe. You will be given all the comforts of home.”

“Wizard? I don’t understand” Cassie’s mind finally into the conversation.

“A wizard is someone who has the ability to alter the world around them using magic, that is with a wand of course” Narcissa took out her wand and recited the incantation “Lumos” the tip of her wand lit with bright light to Cassie’s amazement.

“If my father is a wizard then that would also make me one too?” Cassie asked trying to conceal her excitement.

After setting her wand down Narcissa looked at Cassie and said “Darling you are what is known as a squib, or One born to at least one magical parent but not possessing and magical powers yourself. If you had a predisposition to magic you would have known by the time you were eleven.”

Cassie sat in silence for a moment and tried to process everything that had happened to her and all that Narcissa was telling her before finally accepting that this was her new life even if she did not understand it.

”So I am the daughter of a powerful wizard“ as she spoke she began to understand. Cassie always knew that she did not know her father so she could see this man as her father. Also she had seen enough magic from more than just Narcissa to prove that magic existed so she could believe this as well. Now onto the burning question “Will I ever see my mother again?”

Narcissa thought before she spoke. “No Miss Riddle, you wont.”
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