Originally Posted by
MidnightSilver Ella had gone up to the seventh floor with an increasing pain in her chest. Carter had been right. She just didn't want to see Nate's face. Ever.
Because she was mad. Super. Mad.
Yet all you could see from that face was a sad, hurt expression. She slumped down against the wall and shoved her head in her hands, and began to cry.
Nate had seen Ella's hurt expression over Kylie's shoulder. He slurred an apology to her(Kylie) as he picked up his bag and ran. He followed Ella all the way to the 7th floor.
When he finally caught up with her he stood a few feet away and wasn't sure what to say.
"Umm...Ella? What's going on?" Nate said with a worried and confused expression. He didn't want a repeat of Kylie with Ella. He was head over heels for Ella.
"If you thought Kylie and me were doing anything then I'm sorry. I was just telling her about my parents disaggring with our relationship. I was crying so she offered to give me a hug..." he tried to explain.
Nate sat down next to her and wasn't sure what to do next. He didn't want Carter to say
"I told you so!" to him,
or Ella.