Originally Posted by
BanaBatGirl "It's not odd that someone loves you, Marcus...." Anastasia cleared her throat. "You're right. We never really knew each other. And nobody ever knew Jimmy."
Her face clouded over at the thought of that aggravating ghost man and she almost missed him saying anything about Ethan until he touched her shoulders.
"Ten years.... is a long time...." Annie started blinking very rapidly, especially at the whole proposal bit and the Iliana thing and the insults weaved throughout his entire speech, "but you don't know the whole story. I'm so sorry." She took a step back from him at the same time he did. Another few steps backward and Annie was at the door.
"....have a happy wedding." She nodded in earnest and then rapidly turned and started a quick descent down the stairs of the owlery as fast as possible.
Oh man!!
She wasn't going to cry was she? He always seemed to make females cry and he was still unsure of how he was doing it. The whole story? This was not the first time that she had said that to him.
Marcus, watched absolutely stunned as she headed for the door. "Story? What story? ANNIE" he yelled after her as she bolted out the door. He stood there for a moment with a bewildered expression on his face.
What the hell just happened?
"You took my letter" he muttered, the only ones left to hear him were the owls, all of them staring at him and hooting softly. "Knew I should of just sent a bloody patronus. Would have been a lot less hassle." With no letter to send, Marcus stomped out of the owlery and headed down the stairs and back to his office.