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Rafe moved slightly forward as she moved back. He didn't want this moment to stop. She didn't say anything she just looked at him. Perhaps, she changed her mind? He didn't know. He wasn't quite sure if he wanted to know. This pulling back and forth on his heart was quite painful enough. He took a few steps back and turned away from her. "I will find away to make this easier on you," Rafe said quietly. He forced himself to look at Marilyn once more. She was absolutely radiant and a little bit of the sun beamed through to the dark alley and made her hair shine brightly like gold. "I'm sure you will be missed by your friends. You should go," he said as he nodded towards the street where they came from. It was the most painful three words he ever had to say.
Marilyn turned towards the brick wall, resting her hands against the cool surface. She was trying so hard to get herself together. This was hard since all she wanted to do was have Rafe hold her again. She reached out to him again, batting at the hand that was gesturing for her to leave. All Marilyn wanted to do was touch his cheeks and memorize his gorgeous face. "Im going to miss this...Kissing you is like nothing else in the world." As she said this, she rubbed her nose along his jaw, trying to make this last....