Thread: Statues
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Old 11-29-2009, 06:26 AM   #99 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercedes A. Finklestein
x7 x3
James' Violin Buddy | Josey's Duckie ♥ | | Dandruffie's BFF | O Sparkly One

Originally Posted by MAXSCHEEEHH &lt View Post
She didn't seem too interested in getting to know him. That figured -- Fyo had always had a feeling Livvy didn't like him. She always... well, treated him with distaste. Like in the flying lesson.

He had no idea why.

But yes, she seemed like a really fun person, one he would like to get to know. But he really didn't have the time. He was NOT comfortable around Torin for long periods, especially when his other friends were around. Because he wasn't one of them, anymore. He had been... thrown out of that group, right? Been shown he wasn't worth anything for them, too.

This really wasn't the most pleasant place to be.

He turned around. "It's Fyo," he told Livvy. "Nobody calls me Fyodor. Umm... have a good day." He sped off. SPED off.

Sure Livvy didn't really care much about not knowing the boy before this moment... but there were reasons of course. That was an essential time where "fraternizing with the enemy" just simply would not do. Though Gryffindor was only the 'so-called enemy' for a good week or so. Quidditch. Go figure.

EHM..... ?

MEN. So confusing... so crazy... so hormonal... so ODD. "Wait. FYO! Where are you going?!" Livvy yelled out in confusion. Spppaaaz much? But Livvy liked it. Go SPAZZERS!

Originally Posted by Whiiiitt
Fyo was leaving. BOOO!

He waved at the Gryffindor but returned the wink. Oh wells. He could see him again later.

Now he still had Livvy around and she was happy that he had won. "Thank you. I have been celebrating. And tomorrow is my birthday!"

And with that he started to dance again while singing an old Muggle tune he had in his tune due to the funny numbers in it.

"3 it's the magic number
Yes it is
It's the magic number
Because 2 times 3 is 6
And 3 times 6 is 18
And the 18 letter in the alphabet is R
We got three Rs
Were going to talk about today
We got to learn to reduce, reuse, recycle
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Reduce, reuse, recycle"
Right. So back to her BUHRAAAAIN TWIN.

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TOMORROW?!" Livvy shrieked shrilly in surprise and disappointment that she hadn't known earlier. Though they actually hadn't encountered each other much, ever since... well... the day they met. HA.


Her theories on men were correct. And mood swings. One moment they were normal and conversing like a sane person, and the next moment they go jiggling and singing to some random song. Although it was odd and VERY RANDOM, Livvy couldn't help but grin and giggle. In fact.. she liked it so much, that she began dancing, herself.
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