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SenoritaMaxie Condition? Mmm, what could she come up with now? Knowing Lissy, it would probably be something... really adorable. Fyo grinned when she finally spoke up, though. Bwaha, nice condition.
"Who am I to refuse?" He said, kissing her for several, warm moments and then giving her a hug. Once he was able to stand again - that is, once she had vacated his lap - he straightened and smiled at her again. "Have a great night, Lissy. I love you." Yes, that last part was essential.
Because he meant it.
Alice smiled again, expectedly. And then..she was in heaven. She smiled against his lips and gave back some soft kisses as enjoying his warm hug. It was a good thing before bed. Fantastic.
She got up and smiled , "Sleep tight, Fyo. I Love you too" with that she took his hand in hers and heading off to their dermitories, happily.