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Kay watched Marie try to get her ropes around a tree. 'its not even moving.' Kay thought as she looked at the little tree. "INCACEROUS!" Kay said in a strong voice. The ropes flew out of Kay's wand an hit the tree. The ropes went around the tree but didn't stay tight. 'well that's not good.' Kay thought. "Marie try again, we have to get this right or practicing is just a waste."Kay said shaking her head at her ropes.
"I am trying, maybe if the tree moved I would be able to rope it better." 'Yep, a moving tree would give me motivation. Wouldn't want a tree to attack me or anything.' For now though she would just have to concentrate harder on the non-moving tree.
"INCACEROUS!" she shouted. This time the ropes landed loosely around the tree.
"Well that's a start" she said to Kay as she went to the tree to remove the rope so she could try again.