SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant Aethonan
Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole Gryffindor Third Year | Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, if you celebrate. If not, Happy Thursday*lovesyou* Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert Replies: Hello, everyone and welcome to the replies. LilyLunaGinnyPotter:By wow, you mean like ... wow in a good way, right? Hermione<3Ron: I love my readers, sweetie, I'd never hurt you or scare you away. If I did, who'd read my story? As it is I have very few readers *moves on* Of course some people are struck under the love potion, love but I can't say who. Remember ... they got to go with whom they wanted, whom they hated, because they needed to, or just out of a desire *as in Draco & Pansy* to be neear the ones they wanted to be with *Draco & Ginny* Yes, I ship D/G. Connie: Hey Conners, yes I ship D/G! But you know this or you wouldn't be here. No boycotts please. Thanks for letting me give you a knickname Conners *glompsloves* and I don't know why your smilies wouldn't work, but you should memorize the ones you like all you have to do is put :blush*: like that minus the * and the space between the h and :. I know a bunch ... I've been on SS too long *brags* Yes, I wrote those last three from memory that one too, and that one I know I need to stop *stops*
You can read my edited version of my nano when I get around to it, Conners. As it is though, I don't think I'll make the Nano deadline ... but I wrote more than last year, and it isn't a washout story like last year, so I'm very proud of myself. *cries* Still, I do have time ... *runs off to write Nano* Oh and thank you for saying this was your favorite post of all. I'm flattered as all get out. I will write better and I will get you to love my next posts more ... I will! *fires the cannons for passion* cait bragg: Thank you love, and this is just the Halloween Ball ... we really do need to get moving onto Thanksgiving don't we though? So? Who do you all think should sit in the chair, anyhow? Story: And now for the continuing Saga of Hogwart's castle love ... As the night progressed, the music flowed and the revelries subsided and exploded in an ebb and flow like time and tide. There was love and heartache, there was pain and sorrow, and there were not a few duels which kept the teachers very busy. But, verily it was what all school balls are ... a beautiful night of dancing, music, drama and escape, if only a little while from the problems of the world.
"Say that again to my face, loser!" Cedric said, pulling off his jacket and handing it to the nearest Hufflepuff around.
"I sed, I think yur school is bad and it makes soft students. In Durmstrang we would not be dancing and playing like children, we wuld be using this time to train and learn the arts of war," the boy said.
"Dmitri, you've had too much punch," another boy said, trying to pull his friend away from Cedric Diggory.
"Cedric, please you can't," Cho said, playing the part of the meek girlfriend. Secretly, however, she wanted nothing more than to see Cedric pulverize the Durmstrang cretin simply because the ball was really getting to be too boring. If a quidditch match had exploded it couldn't have gone any better.
"We're not fighting Cho, it's merely a difference of opinions."
"One, we'll settle with wands, no?" the boy said.
"What do you thinks going on there?" Luna asked Ottery. The boy however was busy watching something else entirely, a different spectacle happening on the other side of the room.
"I don't know, love, but you really don't want to be missing this." He started laughing.
In the center of the dance floor a dancing bear was trying to dance with Draco Malfoy. It seems that it was a Beauxbaton's school tradition to have dancing bears at the school ball's and no one having informed Madame Maxime, she had thought to bring one to the school. The bear, who had been quietly dancing alone unfettered, had been harmless but under Professor Flitwick's watchful gaze all the time, but someone ... or rather, Romilda Vane, had slipped the bear a draught of love potion. In all fairness, Romilda was not trying to make the bear fall in love with her, but rather, she had slipped it in a cup she had meant to give Harry Potter but as she walked across the dance floor carrying it over her head she had attracted the attention of Boris, the bear, and he had followed her lapping up the pumpkin juice. It seems, all the dancing had left Boris, very thirsty.
"Oh, Draco, you're a marvelous dancer," Dean taunted.
"Show him how it's done," Seamus yelled.
"Help!" Draco screamed. Pansy for her part had left the scene. Blaise and his companion Amadeus laughed in spite of trying to pretend they could not see anything.
Even as the clock chimed elven o'clock, it sped by fast, and outside there was a different festivity of a sort going on. It seems others than Cedric and Dmitri had already started dueling.
"You're a fool Neville Longbottom, and you deserve what you're about to have coming to you," Timothy Zane Van Horn, a sixth year Slytherin exclaimed handing his coat to his friend.
"Y-y-yeah, well, let's see you win first!" The boy exclaimed uncertainly. He couldn't really remember how the devil he'd gotten himself into this, only that he could not stand there and take it. Especially, not from a Slytherin.
Ron took Neville's jacket, while Lavender crossed her arms, looked at the clock tower and sighed impatiently, her foot tapping on the stone path in the Hogwart's school gardens. Her plot to drag Ronald Weasley to the swing had been foiled by Ron's stupid desire to help out a friend. Already she could see the grin of evil triumph in Hermione's eyes as she and Viktor Krum made their way there.
Hermione loved Neville Longbottom, as a friend. But she could not stand to watch him getting creamed, and she couldn't bear to be near Ronald Weasley when he was with his date. It broke her heart that he had not thought to ask her to the ball. Still, she couldn't sit there and blame him for not feeling the way she felt about him. Okay, so that was balderdash, she could do nothing but blame him for not feeling the way she felt towards him. After all the adventures they'd had together, helping Harry out, and being together and in the face of danger so many times, not a spark of romance had ever shined in the boy. It hurt her to know that. Viktor on the other hand was wizarding world famous, and he could have any girl at Hogwarts but for some odd reason she had caught his eye. It puzzled her, for all her intelligence, and it flattered her, which all girl's like. So she had put her heart's love for Ron away and she had taken Viktor up on his offer, and now Ron was being an as and ... nothing would ruin this night for her. She smiled at Viktor and let him lead her to the swing by the lake. AN:Will Viktor get Hermione to the swing in time? *checks the clock* Will Parvati foil everyone and have her swing with Colin :o or will some other rogue couple steal a kiss at midnight under the full moon and be destined to be together forever?
Tune in next post dear readers ... as I keep dangling the carrot Truthfully, I still can't make up my mind who to make it. Throw your votes in now ...
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