Richard watched as Frida obliviated the memory from Roheo's mind. Her eyes did the usual, they became unfocused and slightly crossed.
He concentrated on Roheo as well as pointing his wand at her forehead. He could feel a pressing on his temples like a magnet to hers. He could feel it drawing him towards but he didn't have to be head to head with her nor did he have to pull away from it, he just had to keep it going as if he was teasing a fish on a line.
He imagined her sitting in a cafe and dozing off. She had awoken with a horrible jolt after a vivid nightmare of not being able to see a thing in a crystal ball. All her tarot cards had been proven wrong and her inner sight was blocked completely forever. And she had not been able to explain why. That was a nightmare but upon waking it was more serious than that she had not been able to find out what she would having for dinner next friday. So she had rushed to the ministry to find out how she had lost some of those powers. Of course she hadn't. She had only dreamt them. This felt as if it was filling the room but it wasn't, just along the line between him and Roheo.
As Roheo's eyes came slowly into focus Richard said in a quiet and comforting voice, "I told you it was only a nightmare. You're still at the top of your game".
He watched her for a couple of seconds to make sure she'd got the jist of what was going on and he was sure she had but you had to careful with minds.
Last edited by best deatheater; 11-25-2009 at 01:49 AM.