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Now she was poking him again. Made her even cuter. Maybe Cammy was the only person cuter than her. 'cause she had the spirit of a little kid without Tammy's naivety. "You're much more adorable."
He frowned as she mentioned her parents. That really sucked. "Well, she assumed that you kept blasting me with your powers. But other than that she didn't really say anything about it. Though she did ask if she could talk to you."
Suddenly his stomach grumbled. He was getting hungry.
Now it was Alex's turn to blush. "Why thank you kind sir, I do declare! All of your compliments shall a Lady blush!" Alex had adopted a country accent as she spoke, and fluttered her eyelashes at him. She giggled again and shook her head.
Alex blinked, "I did not keep blasting you with my powers." She said slightly huffily, so she had used them once. So what? Torin didn't like her because of that. "Talk to me?" She looked away for a moment before responding. "I guess she could talk to me. Why does she want to though?"
Alex laughed as she heard Torin's stomach growl. "Perhaps we should go get you something to eat? Toast perhaps?" She asked with a grin.