Originally Posted by
Whitterz "It's okay. It just came out." He shrugged. Yeah, he had to admit that it sorta scared him when she told him all that. But really it was okay now.
And apparently she had forgotten what she had told him in the courtyard not too long before. But he couldn't really blame her. It was understandable seeing the state that she had been at the time. "It's okay. I know about that. Tammy told me."
Alex nodded, "It did just come out, I didn't mean for it too. Honestly, but the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them." She said looking up at him, her eyes twinkling, "I think it might have been your kiss that drove all thoughts out of my head." She winked at him.
Tammy had told him? How did she.. OHHHHH wait.. Tammy was the one who had looked at her and guessed that she was a Veela. That was Torin's best friend. Oh dear. Alex tried not to get nervous, but how do you impress someone who already had a negative opinion of her. This could get tricky..
"Well, I am glad you know. I didn't want to start anything with you, without you knowing." She said looking up at him.