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Waving politely, the professor gave each of the arriving students a little greeting. "Good afternoon, class," she said when the majority seemed to have found their preferred seats. "Feel free to remove your robes and get comfortable. It's a beautiful day and I want us all to enjoy it. Girls, if you have long hair, please take a moment to tie it back. I have hair ties available for those who need them. The focus of today's lesson will be Imps and these creatures have a tendency to get a little…feisty."
Professor Morgan waited for the class to follow her instructions and then continued. "To start, please pull out your textbook and turn to page 265. Read the section on Imps and choose one characteristic to share with the class."
"They're like mmmmidget truh-troublemakers," Jake stuttered out, his hand raised and stared around at the girls in the class. Haha, long hair fail. "I g-g-got called an imp a fffew times. Duh-duhhh-dunno why..."