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Old 11-22-2009, 07:41 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Red face *listening to* If they say why, tell that it's Human Nature ... Oh crud ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:Iā™„Rupert

Severus' heart ached but no one would have known it to look at him. No. The Potion's Master was busy keeping lovers from kissing in the shadows of the columns of the ballroom, handing out detention to would be pranksters who wanted to ruin the ball, and soundly spanking with a magical thwack any gatecrashers. No. Professor Snape's heart ached because of her. He looked out the window of the great ballroom and thought of a Halloween long ago and a girl who had stolen his heart.

"Don't be a prat, Sev, of course I'll dance with you at the ball. Peter asked if he could take me but I said no. Then Sirius asked, can you believe the nerve of that dink? But of course I refused him. I'd rather just not go."

"You're a popular girl," Severus replied.

"Yes, well. I'm not going with anyone. I'm going stag, that's what the yanks call it, no?"

"I wouldn't begin to know Yankee colloquialisms, Lily," he replied. "Honestly, I don't think they know what half of what they say means," he said smiling a rare smile. With Lily however, it was easy to do those things.

"I believe you're smiling Severus Snape," Lily said teasingly. "I wish I knew a spell to keep you doing that."

"But you do. Your gorgeous smile, Lily. The soft green of your eyes, and the way you toss your hair and ... the lovely lilt of your voice like a song spoken. Those things make me smile, but nothing could make me happier than a kiss from your full sweet lips." Snape of course had not said any of those things in that instant. Because he could not, because he did not get the chance.

"Oy there Sevs, Madame Pince is looking for you," James said walking with Sirius at his side, Lupin's nose buried in a book and Pettigrew skulking in the far rear as they entered the Great Hall for supper.

Severus Snape pretended not to hear and did not turn.

"It seems she's lost a book and she thought you might be able to help her find it." James continued.

Sirius finished with, "What with your obnoxiously large nose she thought you might be able to sniff it out for her."

This set James, Sirius and Peter to laughing. Severus for his part picked up his books and apologized to Lily. A public scene of humiliation was the last thing he wanted and he was as always outnumbered. If he were going to fight those fools it would be under his terms and over something more important than bad cracks about his appearance. Stupid rich kids what the devil did they care? When weren't they picking on him for his rags or third hand books or whatever? Someday the tables would turn and the shoe would be on the other foot.

The night of the ball came and Severus attended if only for a short while. He had borrowed robes from Professor Dumbledore and though they were on loan they were beautiful and he would have loved to dance with Lily Evans that night but James and Sirius had struck. Just as he was about to take her to the dance floor they had dropped a pumpkin on his head. Unable to see he had crashed into a table spilled the contents of the punch bowl over himself and ... it pained him to remember. Severus had run out and Lily had left after him carrying that idiot Brandon Lunk, the lucky boy who at the last minute had garnered the priviledge to be her date to the ball, in tow. It was too embarrassing.

Severus had wanted to sit with her on the magic swing. He had planned everything about how he would sneak her out and what he would say and how he would sweep her off her feet dancing and then ... but those idiots had had to ruin it all.

Even as he ran, the clock struck midnight. He ran into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. No one would suspect and no one would bother him there. Myrtle and he were old friends anyways. She liked Severus' company because he was such a sympathetic ear, and he merely drowned her out and wallowed in his sorrows.

"I'm not going out there," Ron said.

"But Ron, it's the Tennessee Waltz," Lavender Brown complained.


"Ottery's dancing it!"

Ron turned to look at the dark haired boy and sure enough, Ottery was spinning around the dance floor with Luna Lovegood, most of the floor empty. Ginny looked happy smiling as Michael Corner spun her around the floor to the slow sad song. Viktor Krum and Hermione were very close together dancing as well.

"I'm not going out there," he said crossing his arms settling the matter until Professor Snape walked up to their table. "C'mon Lavender, I think we should dance," the red haired boy said grabbing the girl's arm and dragging her to the floor, happily.

The music floated all the way out of the dance hall through the walls of the castle, and down the steps towards the outside of the castle, past the open gates to the entrance of Hogwarts circling the castle. Out in the night couples walked in the bright moonlight but only one lucky pair would sit in the swing on the appointed hour. Who that would be it was still too soon to tell, as it was only ten o'clock.

This however, did not dissuade Parvati from dragging Colin to the garden's where she hoped to hang out until the hour came and then they would ambush any would be pretenders to the night's good luck charm.

AN: Next ... the lucky couple? Maybe.

Note to Connie: Hey Conners, I should call you Conners, I don't know if you'd mind. Neways, thank you for still reading love, I haven't had the time to write as I'd like. I'm still behind on my Nano but ... It's supposed to be fun. I'm gonna keep going with it even after November. I don't know where it's ultimately heading but ... it kind of turned into this Twilight like story with horror and romance and *shrugs* only it's more grown up and there's magic and violence and ... *sighs* maybe sometime next year after I actually finish it, I'll let you see it. Or you could wait until it's picked up by a publisher ... *crosses fingers* but that's all too far ahead. For now ... 50k is the goal!
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