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Old 09-08-2004, 04:20 PM
phoebe_phoenix phoebe_phoenix is offline

Last term...

Professor Phoenix left her office soon after, only to return a couple of minutes later. She was carrying a thick-looking cloak over her arm, along with a carton full of bits and pieces. Hurriedly, she placed both things on her desk, took out an elastic and tied her hair together to a long ponytail before taking up the dark travelling cloak and slipping into it. Then she turned to her desk, and started filling the numerous pockets with different items from the cardboard box: Vials, carefully packed to not shatter, different transfigured objects that had been made smaller to fit better, a dagger, a flask, some food.

Then, she walked around the room briskly, putting things into place, cleaning up here and there with her wand. In the end, she stopped near a bookcase, and with a spell, opened a secret panel. The only thing inside was a grubby piece of parchment, but it was what she was looking for. It was hastily pushed into an inside pocket of her cloak. She closed the secret compartment again, looked around her office once more. Pulled out the parchment again, studied it for a moment.

The Draught Of Ephemera


- Armadillo Bile (without dregs), 32,4ml V

- Blood of Fair-haired Female Mortal, 45,9ml V

- Broth of Puréed Garlic Cloves, made thus from
> Water of the Dead Sea, 51,3ml Missing
> 9 Cloves of Garlic, mashed to pulp and stirred into boiling Water of the Dead Sea (27 clockwise turns); left to boil like thus for precisely 67,5s after last turn, then taken off fire and cooled V

- Compote of Gooseberry, Cranberry and Dewberry, made thus from
> 18 Gooseberries, 171 Cranberries and 36 Dewberries, puréed (cold) with V
> Freshly Pressed Raisin Juice, 39,7ml, and V
> Brown Sugar, 117g, to thick red paste V

- Horn of Unicorn, 93,6g V

- 1 Hair of said Mortal V

- Draught Of The Living Dead, made thus from
> Powdered Root of Asphodel, 62,1g with V
> Infusion of Wormwood, 333ml to bright green, runny liquid V

- Mandrake Restorative Draught, made thus from
> Mandrake Leaves, 441g, stewed for 71,1h in V
> Water of the Dead Sea, 162ml, and drained Missing

- 7,2g of Norandola Dust V
Finally, Professor Phoenix heaved a sigh, and stowed the parchment away again. No doubt, she liked travelling a lot, but a departure like this reminded her too forcefully of events in her life that had long ago come to pass. So now she was off to the Dead Sea…now she was on the road again.

Professor Phoenix took one last glace around the office before closing the curtains, turning the whole scene even darker and gloomier. She picked up her wand, slipped the hood of her travelling cloak over her head, and disappeared through the door for one last stop in the Great Hall, before her carriage arrived to take her to Hogsmeade, and then back to London.