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Old 11-19-2009, 08:34 PM   #20 (permalink)
Formerly: DracikinsLuver4321
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Originally Posted by Aris View Post
With her back turned away from Ms.Prongs and the newest addition to her office, Gretta rolled her eyes and sighed before turning to greet her next guest; always with a pleasant smile. "Introductions," she questioned staring at the women who entered wondering why she felt the need to conduct her office in formalities. Gretta could do that just fine by herself.

Giving up on finding her textbook to continue her work, she casually strolled about her office, her hands interlaced behind her back and her eyes shut hoping the two people whom had just enter would vanish without saying anything else. Her confusion was apparent though her agitation was concealed within her mind. Taking a seat behind her desk, Gretta took in a long deep breath and re-opened her eyes to fully grasp what was taking place in her office. "Fight it," she mumbled quietly to herself resisting her strong urge to slam her head onto her desk a few times. 'Maybe if I pretend to be crazy they'll run out of here and go bother Mr.Rider', she thought to herself shifting her gaze from her employee and towards the complete stranger. Not hearing both of them say anything else Gretta spoke to rid herself of the painful silence.

"I'm Gretta Amerie," she left her eyes droop towards the desk plaque that read her name. "Department of Magical Education Division Head," she added hoping it meant something to the stranger's reason behind her presence.

"I don't mind you coming in," she lied. "But I have no idea who you are and why you have come here," she truthfully said shrugging her shoulders softly and taking another deep breath hoping to gather a few drops of patience. "So," she paused hoping to push along this unannounced gathering. "How may I help you," she inquired just out of professionalism rather than kindness. If she had it her way, she'd lock her door permanently and drink coffee peer all day out of her window...without distractions; she thought allowing her to smile whole-heartedly. That never happened during work hours.
"It's nice to meet you Ms. Amerie," Briony stated with a smile. "I am Briony Whitehall this Department's new Liason. I was top in my class in almost every subject and have been working hard to make it as far as I am today. I am a very quiet women so it takes a lot of determination to talk with people I don't know. I am a former Hufflepuff prefect and Head Girl. Sorry about all of the formalities, I don't quite like being this uptight. In fact, I would rather be in my office working on paperwork, which I do quite a bit of. I came here to introduce myself. You'll most likely see me popping in and out of this Department."

Briony took a deep, shaky breath and started to walk forward. "I am looking forward to working by you Ms. Amerie. It's just--- I've always been nonsocial, it's amazing I'm where I am today. I have met some of the employees here and they seem very friendly. I think I'll like it here." Briony looked down at her feet. "I can speak a lot if I get going. I apologize if I took up so much of your time." She turned to leave, but then stopped. "I'm selling Quidditch World Cup tickets if your interested. They're 5 galleons a piece. My first assignment really. If you aren't interested I understand, I just thought I would inform you though."
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