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Dee-Dee Lena wasn't sure exactly why Chris was putting his hand on her cheek once more, but then she heard his words and her smile widened til she was grinning ear-to-ear. So it worked?? Sweet! I hadn't actually made it happen before - I thought I might need a little.... encouragement, but.... yeah, I did, she finished a bit quieter than she started, but she just smiled, still keeping the thought about the summer in the back of her mind; the color remained light purple.
Chris saw her wide smile. He smiled just as wide and nodded to Lena. "Yeah it worked. Encouragement eh??? And you thought I woulf give that to you? How did you even figure out that you could do that?" He asked quietly. But then he watched Lena's eyes remain purple....He was starting to figure out this color didn't mean something good. "Lena, what's the matter?" Chris asked as he moved his hand from her cheek down to take her hand into his own.