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Antidotes are -
Torin's pen scribbled against the page as suddenly Reese was practically yelling at him, ruining his train of thought and startling him.
"Oh, sorry about that," he replied distractedly as he ran his hand through his hair. He sorta had a headache now from thinking too much.
Why wasn't he in a library? Good question.
"Because um... Because I'm not." There. Simple as that. He looked at Reese and saw that she seemed to be okay.
Yeah, uh hu, you better be sorry. Of course, Reese didn't actually say that to Torin's face, but she was thinking it. After rubbing her painful knee, she picked up a nearby book and looked at the title of it. "
Potions for Beginners," she read out loud. "Are you serious? So, you are studying about Potions for your OWLs, aren't you?" A little smile formed on her face as she looked back at Torin, and then she placed the book back on the ground on top of one of the fallen stacks of books that she had crashed into.
"That's a good reason," she sarcastically replied. Her attention caught the picture she had let go of and before she said anything else, she picked the picture of and quickly placed it inside her robe pocket. Looking right back at Torin, she finally noticed his curly hair.
"C-curly haiiiiiiiiiiiir," she squealed as she pointed at his head. "You have curly hair, Mr. Greek Boy."