Thread: The Time Room
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:27 AM   #264 (permalink)
Loony Lovegood
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Originally Posted by Mrs_Molly_Weasley View Post
Melina looked up as she heard the door open and smield at the new comers, both of whom looked atleast four years younger than herself, if not more. One looked rather disdained with herself for being late. She also appeared to be a bit flustered. The other looked totally confident and set straight to work. She smiled warmly at the two of them before saying, "Hello, I'm Melina Moretti-Papadakis. Welcome to the Time Room!" Then she nodded in the direction of an empty desk and motioned for the one girl, who had not, to sit down. "We're working on preparing Time Turners for the world cup, so the officials can be sure that no cheating or foul play has occured. We're really just experimenting, so read the books you've got at those tables and then get started. Kris, our Department head can explain further, if necessary.", Melina said, taking it upon herself to explain the task at hand. Then, she set back to work. Could it be it was 4 turns backward and one forward?
A nice looking woman greeted her and explained what she should be doing. Ari gave a sigh of relief, smiled back, and replied "Thank you very much, I'll get started on that now." She walked over to an empty desk and began reading.
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Last edited by Loony Lovegood; 11-23-2009 at 02:48 AM.
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