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Old 11-16-2009, 09:51 PM   #245 (permalink)
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Under the Sea! =D Roll Tide

Originally Posted by MsMorgan View Post
Mariel climbed the stairs to the owlery, intent on sending her weekly report to her father. Though she claimed to keep vigilant, the truth was that she had been quite distracted the past few months, a distraction in the form of a certain Gryffindor, and she had not been quite as observant as she had promised. But she still kept her promise to write and report weekly on the occurrences of Hogwarts, not that she noticed anything strange going on - proving that she wasn't really paying all that much attention.

As the fourth year's feet walked over the feather-covered floor, she noticed a handful of students engaged in conversation. A quick nod to acknowledge their presence, Mariel strode over to a familiar spot in the room at which point her black owl, Pandora, flew down from her perch and alit on her shoulder, hooting expectantly. "I know what you want," she murmured to her owl as she dug out a few treats from her pocket and offered them to her pet. The fifteen year old then pulled out a piece of rolled-up parchment from her other pocket and guided her owl from her shoulder to a perch close by to facilitate tying the letter to her leg.
Nathaniel didn't have his owl with him at school. He had opted to bring Vincent with him again. He owed his grandmother a letter. He hadn't sent her a letter in forever and he had felt about it. The Gryffindor finally made it up the stairs. To his surprise he saw Mariel...talking to another boy. Who the hell was that? It seemed that she had not heard him come up. Time for a bit of fun? She'd probably kill him. That was okay with the boy. He slowly crept up behind her. "BOO." he said as he touched her arm.

Last edited by fish_kid; 11-16-2009 at 10:17 PM.
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