Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
Mina looked up from her book as she heard the older Gryffindor greeted her. Smiling back at him, she set her book down as she saw Carter and Ella join her. "Hey guys," she whispered to them, as not to disturb the study session.
Hearing Chris ask a question, she flipped open her notes from Herbology. "Flitterbloom is a mundane plant that likes open and airy environments and Devil's Snare prefer dark and damn environments." Flipping through more notes, she added more. "Flitterbloom like to move even if not breeze is present and Devil's Snare only moves or attacks if provoked." She wasn't that good at the subject and hoped that was enough to satisfy the question.
Cela peeked over her shoulder as one of the younger Ravenclaws answered. She offered a big smile and got up to move over to her and the two Gryffindors she was sitting with.
"Thats a good answer, you're Jasmina right? I'm Celandine. Call me Cela though." She raised her voice and briefly put her hand up to add some more information.
"Even though Flitterbloom can survive for quite a long time, up to a few months without being watered, it is not a succulent plant. It is the magical nature of the plant which allows it to survive without water, but its temperament is improved when it is watered regularly. Flitterbloom plants like water and it likes moisture in its soil, though it does not need a damp, dark and dank environment like Devil’s Snare does." She explained.
"Devils snare, when it is not attacking, does not wave around. Instead it huddles in a pile, avoiding even the smallest amount of light. Flitterbloom by contrast, is almost eager. It is unaffected by light and waves around cheerfully, it’s shape is more animated and lively. Also, Devil’s Snare and Flitterbloom are from the same scientific family and genus, but different species which is why they are almost indistinguishable to look at but their behaviours and environmental needs are different."