Ginny's memories flashed before her eyes, and like that--they were gone. When she finally saw reality again, she was confused. She didn't understand where she was. All she knew was a girl.. Leslie... was throwing something at her.
"AGH!" She nearly screamed. Something ripped through her shoulder. She looked over at her left arm, a knife was sticking out of her shoulder. Blood seeped into her shirt.
"Bloody--Merlin!" She said, censoring herself. The knife was long, long enough where it had her stuck to the wall. She couldn't pull it out unless she dropped her wand--which at this point, it seemed quite obvious would be very dangerous indeed. She looked over and saw Draco Malfoy.
She was confused. She was sore. And she was in an extreme amount of pain. Unwanted tears fell from her eyes, staining her cheeks.
She was ashamed of those tears.