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Old 09-07-2004, 02:00 PM

* Enchantment Casting Press Release - Enchantment clears up some assumptions

UK agency EC provide Harry Potter news sites with a press release detailing some brief announcements



This ‘press release’ is basically some news which may be of interest to Harry Potter news site editors. Feel free to use anything stated in this email. Should you have received this email by mistake, please accept my apologies and delete as appropriate.

For further information and/or interviews, please do not hesitate to contact me (details below).

Firstly, I must stress the importance of joining agencies for the RIGHT reasons. Enchantment was created to give people of all ages and levels of experience a chance, but after the Fleur Delacour interview on the agency was swamped with emails from hopefuls who seemed keen to join ONLY because of the Harry Potter movies. It is very obvious that a lot of emails enquiring about the agency show interest in getting into these movies only.

I do not cast for these movies. Nor do I work with Leavesden directly. People are assuming that the agency is a way in, but it is not.

People are advised to ONLY consider joining an agency if you are SERIOUS about acting in general. I am sick of receiving, ‘Hi can u get me in hp?!’ emails and due to this, all HP-related emails are going to be ignored (unless the person is on the books or has a valid question.) I am only able to REPRESENT people for roles. I am not the casting director, and therefore have no say in the casting of any of these films.

Acting is a job. It requires hard work and a lot of pressure. Please advise everyone to keep this in mind.

Excerpt from (this matter ahs also been posted on SnitchSeeker news):

Due to the vast amount of emails received, please note that Enchantment Casting is NOT responsible for casting of the Harry Potter films. Enchantment is an agency for actors. We do not work directly with Leavesden, Warner Bros or David Heyman in the casting of these movies. In addition, Danielle Symonds is NOT the casting director, or a casting assistant working upon these projects.

If you have any queries relating to the Harry Potter movies, then please direct these to Leavesden Studios. The address can be found, as well as up-to-date, official information, on CBBC's Newsround site. Even though Newsround play no part in the actual casting, information and rumour confirmations about the films and actors can be found here.

To conclude, any more emails about Harry Potter will be ignored. Unless you are on the books, and/or have a valid question, direct all of your letters to Leavesden.’

This is to confirm that Enchantment Casting WILL be representing TWO girls for the role of Luna Lovegood in Order of the Phoenix.

Possibly more will be submitted nearer the time, but two are for DEFINITE.

For more information please contact (details below).

One person (possibly more) will also be submitted for the part of Nymphadora Tonks.

Finally, to clear another aspect up, many people are becoming confused owing to the amount of people online saying that they are ‘auditioning’ for a role. This is leading others to believe that that there are auditions.

Sending in a package is NOT ‘auditioning’. This is APPLYING for an audition or extra role.

Not only that, but anyone claiming that they have been given an audition is, quite frankly, lying.

The casting process will not begin until late this year/early next year. Even then, if open auditions ARE being held, then they will be officially announced on Newsround.

Do not believe anything you read online that is not from a reliable source.

I do hope that you find this news helpful. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Danielle Symonds at Enchantment Casting.

Tel: 01633 274764
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