[Quote][Ginny chuckled, thinking of her own parents. "I guess, parents are all mad." She thought of her second home. Of all the memories, being taken away into the chamber...learning to fly secretly...her friends...the professors... "It's.. Hogwarts." She said cryptically. She laughed. "Sorry. There really aren't many words for it.[Quote]
Dean snickered at Ginny's comment. "That's really all you can say" he said, "don't worry you will love it, there is no place better than Hogwarts."
OOC: Sorry I messed up on the quoting and such. Hopefully I won't mess up again cause it's too much of a hassle to fix.
__________________ <3.
Last edited by Hermione J. Granger; 11-13-2009 at 04:45 AM.