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DracikinsLuver4321 Katie tossed and turned in bed. She wished with all of her heart that Oliver was here. He was practically her best friend. She sat up and wiped the cold sweat off her face. It all came back to her. She only kissed Anthony because she-well- it was more of a thank-you-for-bringing-me-here kiss. She laid back down and waited.
Oliver turned to the left, than to the right, than to the left, now entering the Hospital Wing. The dead silence, and the darkened room hit him hard like a rock. "Lumos." Oliver muttered to his wand and held it up, scanning the hospital beds. "Katie !" He whispered/gasped. He made his way slowly to her bed and looked at her face in the dim glow of his lit wand. "Katie..." He mumbled looking at her bandaged arm.
I should have been there and helped you, not him. Oliver thought, hopelessly looking into her eyes.