Kermit The Frog ★ l Team Warren l MarkThomasRhodes ♥
What was it with Lucille and Torins shirts? it was highly unsual. Warren smirked away once Torin had mentioned the word 'secret' Of course he knew what was going on.. he just didn't want to share it with Torin.. this time.
Warren watched as Lucille demanded Torins shirts and Torin looking slightly awkard in this situation.. ''Well Well Well... Never you mind young Torin never you mind. I for one shall keep it inside this empty mind of mine and only say once i feel like..
Warren watched as everyone left. He walked on and followed them out.. He was thinking of saving Torin from the t-shirt business.. which was a good idea!
__________________ ♥ Warren Ashley Kensington ____________ Mark Thomas Kensington ♥ Everyone knows a Kensington The Family sticking together like true Kensingtons |