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Old 11-12-2009, 02:34 PM   #198 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Default And that all brings us to the present post in our story ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Update/Recap: Being a recounting of the proceedings of this massively long and seriously slow story which we hope will come to a speedy and adventurous conclusion ...

Our story finds our intrepid heroine Hermione in the throes of a book on subversive Hogwarts history. Harry is in the middle of a car chase with Sirius Black, chasing Death Eaters. Their merry chase leads them to a neighborhood street fight introducing the character of Nicholas Black, Sirius Black's son? *Still not telling*.

Ottery St. Catchpole is prisoner of Rodolphus LeStrange in Hong Kong. Lord Voldemort is planning an alliance with the Chinese Magical Triads. Tonks escorts Professor Dumbledore to see a new very dangerous face in the magical world, an old friend Sebastian Shaw. Dumbledore refuses to accept Sebastian's help because he employs the same tactics the Death Eaters do.

Meanwhile back at the Burrow, Ron moons about love, but for whom? Luna pops up looking for snoozlefoos. A naked werewolf pops up looking for trouble. This is Maxie Zeus. Harry confronts Nicholas about his identity. Somewhere in Paris a cute boy receives a mysterious phone call about saving an old friend? enemy? playful adversary? playful friend? *I'm not telling that either*.

Ottery receives a late night dinner guest in his cell, a girl he knows who mysteriously stops him from uttering her name before we can learn it. Dang you Ottery, and dang your pov! But worry not, it's soon coming.

Professor Snape gets visit from of Professor Dumbledore who informs him that HE will be the new DADA teacher ... major wowage didn't see that one coming did ya?

Harry ponders over the news of Nicholas Black. NOTE: We still don't know this to be fact. Death Eaters openly attack and kill a wizard with a muggle family. News of Sebastian Shaw's return spreads but, as of yet he has not acted. This isn't so for long.

Teddy flying over the city on a steam powered zeppelin confers with Tiffany, Ottery's secretary, that Sebastian is on the loose, Ottery's missing and Angel is on the prowl, though for what exactly I won't say. So don't ask Tiffany refuses Teddy's advances. *Pets Teddy*

Harry and Nicholas run into each other on the street and they have a war of words. Harry doesn't want to believe that Nicholas is Sirius' son. Is he? Nope. Not yet.

Nymphadora *gets stunned* I mean, Tonks and Lupin have a quiet chat at Cafe Mondrian about their 'not-happening-romance'. Meanwhile, outside the cafe the Abbot & Costello of Death Eaters try to take Nicholas hostage. As you all surely remember, that didn't work out so well for them.

A flying car and some broken walls later, I wrote Kelly a poem here, if you missed it. Ron and Luna lose Maxie Zeus, the naked werewolf boy. They wake up the Burrow and Fleur antagonizes Mama Weasley while flirting with Bill. Ron writes a letter and Luna and Ginny plan to save the day and Harry Potter in the mix.

Ottery is about to be executed when his savior appears. Harry still looses sleep over the whole Nicholas is he or isn't he? When he's woken up by the arrival of the Harry Potter Rescue Squad. We return to Ottery's triumphant rescue where Teddy is still not saving his but, there's the boulders, will they get away?

Narcissa slaps Sebastian and it is revealed that ... they were once lovers. OMG! Could Sebastian be Draco's pops? OMG! If you weren't asking this before you should do it now so you don't look foolish.

Teddy blows up stuff in his search for Ottery. Luna declares that even though it's not Waffle House they make good waffles. Hermione notices Ron being all attentive of Luna, tries to make him jealous by stating how Ottery & Luna were having 'dinner' together. It backfires. In an attempt to aid her, Ginny points out that Hermione got kissed by Ottery. Ron is not dissuaded and Hermione points out OTTERY did the kissing.

Death Eaters ruin the party and Maxie Zeus, our naked werewolf boy, is one as well, or is he?

Ottery's rescue continues, boy that was a long rescue and Ottery's true champion is revealed to be none other than Angel. The story continues with Lupin and Nicholas sitting down for dinner, Nick is staying at his friend's Lupin's house and he gets chided for a bit of thievery.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna are surrounded by Death Eaters. They fight. Something happens. Harry tries to kill Bellatrix but Ginny stops him. Thanks to Hermione's quick thinking they leave the cafe but Death Eaters can apparate. Once outside Luna slaps Maxie, Hermione gets tortured and Ron dies No not really I just wanted to scare the new readers. On the airship Arceus Ottery and Angel have a heart to heart falling out. Methinks the ottereth doth protest too much, Chuck Norris is Dumbledore Ginny firecracker in pants, emo Harry, Dumbledore saves the day in what would have been a flashback but I wrote this long chapter on the train instead.

On a dismal day the Hogwarts express prepares to leave. Teddy narrowly escapes Muggle authorities, while smuggling luggage, Draco arrives in style, Harry realizes he's just bait for the ministry, Hermione lets Ron in on the joke while a crow watches. *cough*
metamorphmagus?*cough* Ahem, sorry *cough*spy? obviously*cough* Sorry *cough*animagi*cough*.

Harry boards the train, alone.

Luna, Neville join him but no one speaks of that summer I know what you did last summer Otts! Ernie offers to help Otts but a hunky Cormac saves the day.

Photos!: Insert Hunky Cormac

Teddy & Ottery are happy to see each other. The train cops come after Teds Cormac is after Hermione with love poetry?

Draco is lost in his thoughts about his visit to dad in jail. Voldemort orders a culling probably because his secret hideout is in the sewers The ministry finds out too late. Dun dun dun! Bellatrix kills a porter, no not Harry Porter *pokes* Teddy blows stuff up and not for the last time, Otty exclaims! They run into Angel who's after Ottery

The following hit list is revealed *adds more*:

Photos!: Voldemort's Death Wish List from Wal-Mart CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Ronald Weasley ~ Blood Traitor
Hermione Granger ~ Mudblood
Ginny Weasley ~ Blood Traitor
Ottery St. Catchpole ~ Annoys Voldemort
Harry Potter ~ To be captured ALIVE!
Freddie Valentine ~ Mudblood
Madison *name & reason smeared*
The porter ~ Squib
Maxie Zeus ~ Traitor?
Prince *winks* ~ Traitor?
Giovanni ~ Otty's friend & Annoying
Santa Claus ~ put Voldemort on bad list gave coal last 20 X-Mas's
Nicholas Black ~ Traitor? Not on train. Believed dead.
Remus Lupin ~ Order Member. Believed dead.

Seamus & Dean ~ out of sheer evilness

Ottery in real life begins to Nano yay I'm almost at 20k even if I have fallen behind We meet Kitty Hawk, Harry's new flame She kicks Greyback's bum, Ginny is reported to be next? Seamus dies! Noooooo! in Dean's arms Yeeeeeeeeeess! only he's not dead and he kicks DE bum! Pansy runs madly through the trains searching for Draco who sits alone until Mummy shows up. With treats. Draco has an assignment from Voldy all is lost. Draco wants to know about Sebastian and his mother never really knowing that Sebastian is secretly and we're all caught up.

So now ... onto the story:

“What the devil’s going on out there?” Cormac asked. Ottery had just run out of the compartment right in the middle of Cormac’s recitation of a love letter he’d written to Hermione. Ottery had been going on about how it wasn’t really subtle and then the dark haired boy ran out the door slamming it behind him.

Cormac walked to the door and looking out saw a dark cloaked figure holding a boy by his shirt front. Probably some Slytherin bully but when the figure turned their face Cormac could see a mask of death. Not one to think quickly the boy ran at the Death Eater his wand sticking out his back pocket, Cormac obviously oblivious to Professor Moody’s advice to Harry about blowing ones buttocks off.

The Death Eater fell to the ground as Cormac punched him again and again breaking the porcelain mask over the man’s face. Still, the person beneath it was no man, it was a boy not much older than he. Cormac cursed and looked at the other boy.

“Are you all right?”

The Hufflepuff nodded and smiled, “That was ace. Can you do it again?”
Cormac smiled back. “C’mon, lets go find a teacher or something. This is serious trouble.”

“Shouldn’t we bind him or something?” the boy asked.

“Yeah, you take care of that,” Cormac said going on ahead.

“Kitty Hawk is it? Well my name’s Fenrir and I’m …” and here the Death Eater transformed into a werewolf right before the young girl’s eyes. As his body expanded, his muscles changed growing under his skin, his flesh expanding, large tufts of hair growing over his body, his mouth lengthening into a maw, his eyes coloring yellow and his figure gaunt. The girl merely smiled.

“You don’t impress me,” she said and as he threw out his hand to slash at her Kitty threw a vial of potion at him. Kitty stepped back faster than Fenrir had swiped and had missed the blow. The large wolf however had run into the girl’s potion. He fell back grabbing at his face howling and yelping in pain.

“It’s liquid Wolf’s bane,” she informed the cowering, screaming form of Fenrir Greyback.

“It burns you little …”

“Of course it does oaf, what did you think it was, holy water?” With that she kicked Fenrir between his legs and ran out of the compartment searching for help.

Next on Human Nature: Someone's been sitting in my chair! & there's going to be hel to pay! or Fear the reaper!
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