Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Oh, so the session was over now? Wow...and LouAnn had gotten...nothing done. It was her own fault, though. She'd chatted and thumbed through books the entire time. "Oh, yeah...right...too long. Got'cha," she said, standing up and gathering her thirteen or so textbooks. How she managed to carry all those books around without breaking her back was beyond her. Thank Merlin for magic. How muggles lived without it was also beyond her. "Nice meeting you, Tammy. I'll see ya around. Torin, Fyo, Cedric...see you boys around, too," she said, swinging her bag over her shoulder and heading out. After all that studying, she needed a nap...or a snack one.
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