Originally Posted by
midget ♥
Oh. WELL, that wasnt nice. Tammy was being good. Tammy was being normal, and there was no way anyone else that spoke to her should have any permission not to act like she was. Because she was normal, and they should be normal. Ashton should have been acting weird. "Meh. Doof. It's not weird. You should try it, yeh FLAMIN' MUPPET." She squealed from her seated position on the floor, and frowned.
Was she not easy to understand? Well that was an insult in itself. Instead of explaining straight away, Tammy folded her arms and watched Ashton a sort of glare about her eyes. "As a matter of fact, a PRUNEEEEE is some sort of fruit. Like a big DATE i think. I dunnno, it be a funny word." Stupid boy. Was she expected to be able to explain each word he didn't understand? Ey? Boys were just weird. Infinately weird.
"And for your information, THAT questioning was an insult in itself. I CAN BE UNDERSTOOOOOOOD." And there was gone the seventeen year old and replaced by a mental, psychotic six year old child.
Mentally the seventeen year old mature adult was gone.
"You're a wizard Ashton, we need to work on this MAAAAG-GIICCCKKK ability of yours." Deep frown. Wrinkle inducing frown. "OOOOHH PURRRTTTTYYYY." Tammy cooed, cocking her head to the left and giggling like chimes once more.
"EWWWW. I dunt want a bogey flavour oneeee. OR an earwax flavourrrr. Can I have a ... a... CHOKLIT FLAVOUR ONEEEEE?"
Choklit was yummy.
EEEEEEP! She took it the wrong waaay! He just knew she was going to take it the wrong way! Almost leaping back, but controlling his survival instincts just in time, he shook his head furiously.
"I don't think it's weird..!" Noticing that he'd put both of his hands up in defence, Ashton hastily put them down by his sides, but kept the one with the candy up.
"I was just getting scared by you giggling!!" ARGH! Hole-digger, much.
"NOO! You've got a niiiice laugh. It's soo pretty! Like you are, but I was just saying," He was babbling now. Merlin help the poor girl.
"That I don't think it was a weird idea, it just came out wrong because you were making me worried that the statues, who probably aren't statues, had possessed you and made you go a bit funny. But you weren't being odd or anything!!" Stopping (eventually) he took a deep breath, and dropped his head down. Epic fail.
ARGGHHHH! And he'd got it all wrong again! Sometimes he wondered if it was worth his time bothering with girl.
"I've never heard of a prune before! I don't even know what a date is... Well, I know what a date is, but only the type when a guy takes a girl out, or shizzle like that.. But I've never come across a prune!! I would of understood you if I'd known what it was!" In other words, STOP GLARING AT ME, TAMMY!! He couldn't help it! The only fruit he'd ever eaten was... Apples, oranges, pears, dragon fruit, pomegranate and cherries... And apart from those, he'd only heard of strawberries and blackberries. Second epic fail of the recent five minutes.
"You're really very easy to understand, and you're verrryyy nice." He finished almost panicked-ly.
Aaaannnddd.. She was back to "normal". Whatever that was. Dropping his head again like a disgraced dog, he nodded.
"I pretty much fail at conjuring tricks. Plus the bag was up the back of my t-shirt." Hopefully that wouldn't put her off of his awesome sweets. She didn't look overly squeamish... Not THAT much.. Smiling lightly at her squeal of joy at the bag, he began to relax again.
"The chocolate ones are VERY easy to find," His free hand already diving into the brown paper bag. Pulling out a dark blue one, he held it up to her.
"They're the only blue ones in the pack." He proclaimed proudly.
And they were veeerrryyy pretty.