Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor "Yes, really," the boy told her with an amused smile, listening as she told him he was wrong and soon telling him he was at fault, listing all of the things she liked about him. He remained quiet as she listed off his drawings, and his dimples, his ways of crashing into trees, adding that he also took her out on the best first date of her life and gave her her very own squirrel. He shook his head, "No way! No way, you're way guiltier!" he denied with a small shake of his head. "Okay, first off, (as already listed) you're completely...adorable. And then, on top of that, you like nearly everything about me, which makes you ten times guiltier. You like my argyle, and my nerdiness, and the fact that I run into trees! Not to mention you've completely changed me since I've met you! You and you're...convincing little smiles have brought me to completely change my perspective. And for that, my dear, it's your fault." He gave a nod and a satisfied smile.
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