Plot: Leslie Lambardie was always compared to her older brother, Luis Lambardie, and her older sister, Lisa Lambardie. Luis was one of the most intellectual wizard of his time, and every teacher at school reminded Leslie of this fact everyday. Lisa was a Seer and was very respected by everyone, and Leslie was a trained killer. Unfortunately for her, nobody at her school appreciated having a killer in class; so when Leslie's father, Vladimir Lambardie, told her that he wanted to send her on a mission she jumped at the chance. The mission was simple become a student at Hogwarts and figure out all of the ways in and out of the school. While at Hogwarts Leslie uncovers why she was really at Hogwarts, she was there to help Lord Voldemort find a way into the school.Leslie is sixteen and will be transferred into Hogwarts in the trio's sixth year.
Banner by Jess/ S.O.S [Jessica's Request Thread]
Leslie Lambardie:Me
Harry Potter: PM me if you want this character
Hermione Granger:
Nymphadora_Moody (bio done)
Ron Weasley:
Hermione<3Ron (bio done)
Ginny Weasley:
seusslover14 (bio done)
Dean Thomas:
Hermione J. Granger (bio done)
Parvati Patil: PM me if you want this character
Lavender Brown:
lunalovegood (bio done)
Neville Longbottom:
harita (bio done)
Draco Malfoy:
HPgirl (bio done)
Pansy Parkinson:
Luna Lovegood:
lunalovegood21 (bio done)
Landon Taylor:
Seeker47550 (bio done)
And any other characters you can think of.
Made-ups are welcome
Name:Leslie Lambardie
House: Gryffindor
Bio: Leslie is a very happy person, but she grew up being picked on by her intelligent brother, who thought she was a complete idiot, and her Seer sister, who also considered Leslie an idiot. In other words Leslie won't take anything from anyone, so don't get her mad. she has just been enrolled at Hogwarts, and has a mission to complete for her father, but who is she really working for, her father or the Dark Lord? That is a question Leslie wants answered.
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