Originally Posted by
seusslover14 Kylie rolled her eyes, she was in utter disbelief. How could Jason think that she was so mad just because of that? After she realized what Jason had just said to Nate, she blushed a little. Oh boy.. she thought. Kylie was glad when Nate treated the whole thing as a joke. She smiled, happily. Nate seemed to be contemplating something.. his face was turning a deeper shade of red each time he stuttered out an 'um'. "Yes?" Kylie said patiently, "Are you okay?" She asked, a light chuckle on the tip of her tongue.
Nate stared intensly at the butterbeer avoiding eye contact and said"Wouldyouliketobemygirlfriend?" He looked up for a second and then looked at the table and picked at his thumb nervously. Nate turned to color of a tomato.