Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | this feels like the gift line at an Italian wedding.... xD Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by Whitterz He listened to her offer and brushed her offer of bribery aside. "I'll gladly help you, Professor. I love to help." He also loved being in the garden. And if Fyo didn't want to join him... well.. whatever. Quote:
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie Fyo's eyes widened - someone to direct the dung? Not that he was not up to the task, it was just that... she was trying to BUY him! Okay, so maybe buy was not the word, but who could say it wasn't a bribe?
Thing was, Fyo would have done it, even if she hadn't offered him the points. At least he would have been able to say a happy "yes, professor", then - now, he felt like he was doing it for the sake of THE BRIBE. "Sure, professor," he said, finally. She must be out of her mind today, she actually said PRETTY please. Which was a wow. A BIG wow. "Anything."
He wanted his Shanster, now. "Thank you, Torin and Fyo." Bunz nodded happily. "I'm just... going to deal with these few students here... and then you'll be able to look after any future arrivals of dung? And you'll drop it off in the greenhouses? LOVELY."
Now that that little.... deal was done... Anastasia turned her attention to the other students. Quote:
Originally Posted by midget ♥ OH MAN.
Looking up, from her own yellow heels Tammy smiled awquardly and held out the pink pot. "I wouldn't usually professor Bunbury, but it's an assignment. So I sorta wanted the points, and well it might help the plants a bit. And er. " Shoving the poo pot a bit closer to Bunbury, she chuckle nervously.
"Happy sorta late. EH poo day maybe. BUT I has shoes for you too, so that makes poo day better right?" Because poo and shoes, well it didn't sound ince but the shoes were PURTYYY, "The shoes do make it all better, thank you Tammy," Bunz sighed but accepted the pot.... because she recognized that box. MARC JACOBS ZOMG.
And Annie promptly passed the jar of poo off to Torin and/or Fyo, whoever got it first. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley "Hhhhmmm..." Abby draws a blank. All she wanted to do was give Professor Bunbury the jar of Mooncalf dung. Now what? "I think that's about everything Professor ma'am. I hope you enjoy the poo." You idiot. You told Professor Bunbury to enjoy the poo. What do you think she's going to do with it? Take a dung bath. Why won't the ground open up and swallow me right now. "Oh gee thanks, Abby, I will be SURE to enjoy the poo," the redheaded professor rolled her eyes. Seriously. Disgusting. She stuck the jar in the basket from Fyo, just adding to the collection. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermione9495 Nikki walked down to the Greenhouses, making her way towards Professor Bunbury's office. In her hand she held her Care of Magical Creatures project. Urgh, she still couldn't get the smell of Moon Calf poo out of her head, it just smelled so wrong, how did Professor Morgan deal with it? And what about that kid that had eaten it? Even more gross! Oh look, there already a huge line of kids waiting to give her their poop. She thought as she arrived. Nikki took a place in the line, waiting paitently for her turn to apporch. Finally when it was her turn, Nikki put on a smile and held out the beautiful box. The envolpe attached cared her poem. "Here's a present for you...if you can call it this." She said, handing the box over. "Well thank you, that's actually rather attractive-looking..." Bunbury raised a brow but took the box nonetheless..... and passed it off to Torin. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daffy.Potter Ohhhh.... time to give some poo to da Bunbunz!
Livvy hoped that the woman wasn't tired of getting all this poo as presents. If so, she hoped that she wasn't in a cannibalistic mood either. She thought of this as she made her way to the greenhouses and to where Professor Bunbury's waiting room was located. Spotting the woman already talking to a few students, she took a deep breath. Figured everyone would've already given her a gift.
Here goooooes...
The girl walked up, waiting in line and when it was turn (Oh how cute. They were taking turns.), she grinned up at the professor. "Hullo Professor Bunbury. I've got a gift for you... that you've probably already gotten a dozen of times today," Livvy said, smiling yet feeling slightly annoyed that they had to pick up Mooncalf poo, stuff it in a jar, and wrap it all up. IT STUNNNK. "So here you go! I got some Potpourri for you too, in case you got tired and sick of all the smell. Though I have a feeling it won't be enough," she said, blinking slightly. Three buckets of Mooncalf poo on the train at the beginning of the term surely couldn't compare to the amount that Bunbury was getting!
ANYHOW... Livvy held out a basket that contained the jar for her, the envelope that contained her acrostic poem (hopefully that was allowed), and the jar of Potpourri.
There! Mission accomplished. "Potpourri, good idea to counteract the stink," Bunz mentioned as she took the jars from Olivia. She suppressed a smirk at the silly - but true - poem and handed the jars to Fyo.
There now, they had a good collection going here..... but Anastasia should be leaving.... if only she had been able to get into her office! GRR! How was she supposed to get the baklava and some shoes and some clothes and Ethan's present out?
Never mind, Torin and Fyo would take care of it all. "Can you boys handle this for me, please, if anyone else comes along?"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |