Originally Posted by
Whitterz He wasn't going to fall for her attempt to change the subject. Did she really think he was that stupid? Well, she was mistaken if she did. "Who or what were you hiding from?" he asked not in the least put off.
"Me and Tammy?" he looked down at the scrapbook, really firuring that he didn't want to look at this thing now.
She nodded firmly.
" Yes.For you and Tammy Now quick quick loook at itttt!" she said poking hr index finger on the front cover.
Originally Posted by
firenjen HEFELUMP?
She called her a HEFELUMP?
Ooohhhh that little -
"Hefelump?!" Lucille exclaimed, waving her arms about wildly. "!HEFELUMP?!!!"
She smirked as Lucille flailed around well more of a waving ehr arms around but the same thing really.
Yes. A hefelump,a Purple creature quite big with hair kind of like a el-ep-hant. she said, speaking very slowly so Lucille could understand.