As you enter the dank, dark cave of a potions classroom, the first thing you might notice is the smell. A thousand different scents, good and bad, mingle together in the moist, rich air of the musty dungeon room. The room is gloomy: the lighting is dim, mostly from wall sconces where candles flicker but also from small flames under a series of cauldrons which are simmering at the back of the room. There are rows of workstations with two stools at each station.
A thousand and three jars, canisters, and containers of potions ingredients line the shelves along the walls, gleaming dully in the low light. Each is labelled in the Professor's shaky old man's script, and at the back of the room are shelves groaning under the weight of huge potions encyclopedias and texts.
At the front of the classroom, a large charmed chalkboard stands. On it are written these simple instructions:
Please be seated. The professor will be here momentarily. Be certain that you have all your potions equipment with you; failure to do so may cost your House points. If you are an older student who is familiar with Potions you may set up your workstation. First years, please ask an older student for assistance.
You may talk quietly amongst yourselves, but please keep the conversation to a reasonable level out of respect for your classmates. Thank you.
--Professor Kazimeriz
Class Synopsis:
The professor has entered the room. A brief discussion about the Cardinal Rule of Potions (Know thy Ingredients) has taken place.
A Worksheet has been distributed; students have been instructed to write equal and opposite ingredient pairs on this worksheet to familiarize themselves with complementary ingredients to understand the concept of
negators, or neutralizing ingredients.
A brief discussion about Golpalott's FIRST law was introduced: for every ingredient, there is at least one equal and opposite ingredient that can be used as an antidote to the first ingredient.
This led to a discussion on Golpalott's Third Rule: the antidote for a
blended poison will be equal to more than the sum of the antidotes for each of the separate components.
The class was informed that they have all been poisoned by means of a potion that absorbs through skin contact. Their goal? To identify their symptoms and brew the antidote to their poison by the end of class.
Instructions can be found here.
Feel free to jump in at any point!