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Old 11-04-2009, 12:03 AM   #106 (permalink)
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Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Nikki walked down to the Greenhouses, making her way towards Professor Bunbury's office. In her hand she held her Care of Magical Creatures project. Urgh, she still couldn't get the smell of Moon Calf poo out of her head, it just smelled so wrong, how did Professor Morgan deal with it? And what about that kid that had eaten it? Even more gross!

Oh look, there already a huge line of kids waiting to give her their poop. She thought as she arrived. Nikki took a place in the line, waiting paitently for her turn to apporch. Finally when it was her turn, Nikki put on a smile and held out the beautiful box. The envolpe attached cared her poem.

Even though it's eww,
I picked this for you,
Inside is a jar of poo,
Did you know Moon Calfs don't moo?

Nicolette Finn
"Here's a present for you...if you can call it this." She said, handing the box over.
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