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Arianna entered the bathroom in a run, her heart was pounding a hundred times a minute, or so it seemed. She had never felt like that before, everything about her was different, changing, she wasn't sure what that meant though. Was she growing up? Was that it?
It doesn't matter, she though. Alex is going to help me prove them they were all wrong and that I can be pretty as well! she said to herself full of trust.
She paced in front of the mirrors, glancing from time to time to check her appearance, soon it would all be different.
Alex arrived in the bathroom exactly twenty minutes later lugging a huge bag full of stuff. She dragged it to one of the sinks and set it down. "Hey." She said in a slightly breathless voice as she pulled out a brush, several different items of makeup, some shoes, clothes and even some scissors.
"Woo, sorry I took so long. It took awhile to round all this stuff up. I grabbed some of my sister's clothes, I hope they will fit." She said with a smile as she handed the
slim black skirt and
dark green blouse to her. "Try these on first, as well as these." She handed her a pair of black
Shoes as well. She smiled at the younger girl. "See how those fit, and then we shall tackle your hair." She said as she pulled out a hair straightener and a curling iron.